Customerplaint Disposal Report客戶抱怨處理單 FILENAME\* MERGEFORMAT 213458_ AVC-QAR56-A/01Page \* MERGEFORMAT 6 of 4 Customer Corp客戶名稱AcBelCase Ref #奇鋐客訴編號SZ050503Customer Name客戶連絡人AVC PIC奇鋐負責
Moduslink Solution Services Pte51, Ubi Avenue 3, Singapore 408858 Tel: (65) 68859000 Fax: (65) 67491252?Internal / Supplier Quality ProblemTop of FormSection AForm Type:SQPForm No:SQP
Attachment N USERADDRESS\* MERGEFORMAT EIGHT-DISCIPLINE WORKSHEETInternalVendorXCustomer Responsible subjectVendor Requestor (owner)Pavel RehurekNonscanable heatsinks P/N 377629
Customerplaint Disposal Report客戶抱怨處理單 FILENAME\* MERGEFORMAT 213438_ AVC-QAR56-A/01Page \* MERGEFORMAT 4 of 3 Customer Corp客戶名稱順達電腦Case Ref #奇鋐客訴編號SZ050509Customer Name客戶連絡人趙永峰AVC PIC奇鋐
Customerplaint Disposal Report FILENAME\* MERGEFORMAT 213854_ AVC-QAR56-A/01Page \* MERGEFORMAT 4 of 3 Customer Corp FURNELLCase Ref # SZ050703Customer NameJenny_chenAVC PIC Chengxiaolia
Customerplaint Disposal Report客戶抱怨處理單 FILENAME\* MERGEFORMAT 214159_ AVC-QAR56-A/01Page \* MERGEFORMAT 6 of 3 Customer Corp客戶名稱MSICase Ref #奇鋐客訴編號SZ050508Customer Name客戶連絡人NAAVC PIC奇鋐負責
Moduslink Solution Services Pte51, Ubi Avenue 3, Singapore 408858 Tel: (65) 68859000 Fax: (65) 67491252?Internal / Supplier Quality ProblemTop of FormSection AForm Type:SQPForm No:SQP
Customerplaint Disposal Report客戶抱怨處理單 FILENAME\* MERGEFORMAT 213528_ AVC-QAR56-A/01Page \* MERGEFORMAT 6 of 3 Customer Corp客戶名稱HPCase Ref #奇鋐客訴編號SZ050506Customer Name客戶連絡人AVC PIC奇鋐負責CQE
Customerplaint Disposal Report客戶抱怨處理單 FILENAME\* MERGEFORMAT 212747_ AVC-QAR56-A/01Page \* MERGEFORMAT 2 of 3 Customer Corp客戶名稱技嘉Case Ref #奇鋐客訴編號SZ050803Customer Name客戶連絡人張軍AVC PIC奇鋐負責C
Customerplaint Disposal Report FILENAME\* MERGEFORMAT 213123_ AVC-QAR56-A/01Page \* MERGEFORMAT 4 of 3 Customer CorpSonyCase Ref # SZ050501Customer NameNAAVC PICCheng_xiaoliangProduct