雅思口语经典长句你用过吗 雅思口语一直是阻碍大家取得雅思高分的一道屏障单调的表达枯燥的句式也是丢分的主要原因之一本文为大家带来雅思口语经典长句希望大家能够稍加记忆加以用之 I need to learn English which is very important because itll help me get a good job in international trade which
雅思作文必备基本词汇下载 : : 第 PAGE 1 页 共 3 页 : 无忧雅思网 助我越重洋名词优势劣势AdvantageDisadvantage好处坏处Benefit (Merit)Drawback公民CitizenConcern结果 Consequence批评家 Critic(
雅思写作经典句 =E58699E4BD9C t _blank 写作 =E7BB8FE585B8 t _blank 经典 =E99B85E6809D t _blank 雅思雅思写作经典句第一部分用于雅思小作文开头部分经典句型1通过第一个曲线图我们可以知道____也说明了结果是___? ?According to the first graph it can be seen th
开头第一句:1.Ok the......I would like to talk about is ...whichwho ....2.Alright Im going to would like to talk aboutshare with you...... which......3.Right so the topic of my card is to describe...I th
秋风清秋月明落叶聚还散寒鸦栖复惊雅思8分作文经典900句:议论文经典语句 2008-04-30 14:07:24??来源:昂立英语??????标签:英语? ??????? 1.结交朋友本身就是件有意义的事情因为这可以使学生们更加喜欢自己的班级而这种状况从长远角度讲肯定是有利于学习成效的 Making friends itself is meaningful in that it makes the
You have to believe there is a way. The ancients said: the kingdom of heaven is trying to enter. Only when the reluctant step by step to go to it s time must be managed to get one step down only have