Predicate Subject-predicate Word Translation of Negative Recreation of Sentence Function主语突出(subject-prominent)易于识别只能由名词或名词性的词语担当谓语绝对受主语支配(subject-predicate pivot)在人称和数必须和主语一致有时态语态和语气的变化句与句之间多以明示逻
翻译概述He leans back one arm around an upraised makes you tense your muscles which leads to fatigue just as if you were out chopping . I have often thought it would be a blessing if each human being wer
Ut Once More: Th
Book 4-Unit 8
Translation Exercises for the first time(It’s a gloomy thing, however, to talk about one’s own past, with the day breaking) Turn me in some other direction before I go不过,天快亮了,讨论我的过去只会让人不高兴,在我走之前,我们谈
weakness of this diet is that it has too much fat and sugar; its strength is that it has plenty of energy-giving food shopkeeper is trying to win his customers back with ayou don’t say sorry for your
Unit 1Translation Exercises: 通常这个地方以风景优美而著称现在却是一片废墟无论想象力多么丰富都不能再现其昔日的景色 (famous for its scenic beauty lie in ruins restore its past landscape)2. 不论他们在余震中会遇到多大风险战士们决心要尽早到达震中 (face a high risk amid a
Variation of Entr