Phonics 3 级Unit 1 Long vowel a:ae Bake a cake. Open the gate. Eat your cake by the lake.:ai This is Gail .She brings mail. I wait in the rain for Gail and the mail.:ay Its a beautiful day.
2015年春期自然拼音班 期末测试(总分100分):___________ 成绩:___________Part = 1 ROMAN I:听力 (共30分)一.听音写出相应的字母大小写注意字母占格(每个1分共20分)听单词选出与之对应的图片(每题2分共10分)( ) A. B. C.(
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NameClassThe AlphabetAaBbCcDdEEFfGgHhIi JjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWxYyZzThese are called letters. Each letter makes a are big and small letters are called capital letters are called lower-cased
东华小学 英语 科教案课题Phonics策略运用于语篇教学课型Reading 教学目标通过复习字母组合ee er的发音学生能够以小组学习的方式自主对含有ee er字母组合的单词进行听说及拼读行为学生能够将phonics知识运用到阅读中教学内容分析重点有效检测学生掌握字母组合ee er发音的情况学生运用phonics进行自主阅读难点区分字母er组合的长短音2. 学生运用phonics进行自主阅读教
少儿英语Phonics教学 SerenaEnglish Pronunciation TeachingNow we have two ways to teach English pronunciation1) Phonetic symbols 2) PhonicsWhat’s for1) Students can have a beautiful pronunciation2) Students
Name_______________________________Date__________________Where is the Sound of - b Directions:? Say each picture word below.? If you hear the b buh sound at the beginning of the word circle the fi
A a ant apple alligator ambulance apple juiceB bbed bell belt book bananaC c car cat cow cupCandle :